The University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA) was established in 1998 as a private higher education institution launching its first study programme “Company Management” with 415 students admitted to the first year. In the following academic year 1999/2000, the University College had already over 1 400 students.
The University College of Enterprise and Administration operates on the basis of the permission granted by the Minister of National Education and pursuant to the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365, as amended) and legal regulations issued in accordance with the Act, as well as on the basis of the Statute. The school is supervised by the Founder and the minister competent for higher education, in accordance with the Higher Education Act.
The mission of the University College is to teach students to be creative, develop their careers and help them to find their own place in the globalizing world. WSPA develops international and intercultural competencies of students through creating an international environment at the University and through international mobility of students and faculty. The University College cooperates closely with a large number of European and non-European universities and colleges, associations, companies and labour market institutions.